
<h1>How to create the perfect website development project brief (and work seamlessly with your agency!)</h1>

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If you’re about to embark on a website development project, it’s essential to create a briefing document that outlines all of your requirements. This will help ensure that both you and the developer are on the same page, and can avoid any misunderstandings further down the line. In this blog post, we’ll look at how to create the perfect briefing for your website development project.

1. Who is your target audience and what are their needs/desires?

Before starting any website development project, it’s crucial to first understand who the target audience is and what their needs and desires are. This website briefing process will help to ensure that the finished website meets the needs of the people who will be using it.

First, define the target audience for the website. Who will be using it and for what purpose? Once this is clear, research what types of things this target audience is looking for online. What are their needs and desires? What kind of information do they need? Answering these questions will give you some direction for developing the website.

Next, create a website outline that includes all of the essential elements that should be included on the site. Again, think about what the target audience wants and needs from the website. Once the website outline is complete, it’s time to start designing and developing the website. Keep the target audience in mind throughout the entire process to ensure that their needs are being met.

2. What are your website’s key features and functionality requirements?

Website key features and functionality are important considerations in the development process. Website developers must take into account the needs of the website’s users when determining what features and functionality to include. Website developers must also consider how the website will be used and what type of user experience they want to provide. Website key features and functionality can include things like contact forms, search functions, and social media integration. Website developers must also ensure that the website is compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices. Ultimately, the goal is to create a website that is both user-friendly and functional.

3. What branding elements will be used on the website (colors, fonts, logo)?

Website colors, fonts, and logo all play important roles in branding. The colors should be chosen to reflect the brand personality and to stand out from the competition. The fonts should be easy to read and also reflect the brand personality. The logo should be simple, recognizable, and memorable. Website visitors should be able to see these elements and immediately know that they are on the right website. By carefully choosing these branding elements, businesses can ensure that their website makes a strong impression on visitors.

4. What content will be included on the website (text, images, videos)?

Depending on the purpose of the website, the content will vary. A site created for business will typically include text describing the products or services offered, as well as images and videos showing these products in action. A personal website may instead feature photos and videos documenting the life of the individual, along with text details about recent experiences or thoughts. In other cases, a website may be devoted to a cause or issue, in which case it will likely include text discussing this topic, along with images and videos related to it. No matter what the purpose of the website is, the content must be engaging and well-organized in order to keep visitors coming back.

5. How often will the website need to be updated/modified (content, design, functionality)?

Content on the website will need to be updated/modified in order to keep viewers engaged. Content that is stale or outdated will cause viewers to lose interest and leave the website. Therefore, it is important to regularly update the content on the website in order to keep viewers coming back. In terms of design, the website should be updated/modified every few years in order to stay fresh and modern. A dated website will turn viewers away as it will give the impression that the company is behind the times. As for functionality, updates/modifications will need to be made on an as-needed basis in order to ensure that the website is running smoothly. Making sure that the website is up-to-date, fresh, and functional will keep viewers coming back.

6. Are there any other stakeholders who need to provide input or sign off on the project brief (marketing team, CEO)?

As with any project, it’s important to get input and sign-off from all the relevant stakeholders. In the case of a marketing project, this means involving the marketing team from the outset. They will be able to provide valuable insights into the target audience, the best channels to reach them, and the most effective messaging. But it’s not just the marketing team that needs to be involved; the CEO also needs to sign off on the project brief. This is because they will ultimately be responsible for approving the budget and ensuring that the project meets business objectives. By involving all stakeholders from the start, you can ensure that everyone is on board with the project and that it has a better chance of being successful.

7. What is the budget for this project?

The budget for website development can be broken down into three main categories: design, development, and testing. The design phase includes the creation of wireframes and prototypes, as well as the development of style guides and other branding materials. The development phase focuses on coding the website and setting up hosting, while the testing phase ensures that the site is compatible with all major browsers and devices. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, the budget for website development can range from a few thousand euros to hundreds of thousands of euros. However, most businesses will fall somewhere in the middle, with a budget of around €10,000 to €50,000. 

It’s important to take into account different aspects when you’re developing a website. This is especially important if you want the process to be smooth and successful. Different stakeholders should be involved, from those in charge of technique to those responsible for content creation. While keeping all this in mind, it’s also crucial to have a clear budget that enables functionality while also highlighting your brand identity. If you need help with any of these steps or would like more information on our website development services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

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